Appeals Archive in DONTFORGET

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hello it's me again,my appeal suddenly disappeared if I get unbanned I promise I will never get banned for a reason again,I decided to do a ban speedrun EVERYTHING I said wasn't true I didn't really want to offend it wasn't me,please i just want play....

Today I tried to log in, when I realized that I was banned, and right now I am in a situation where I can't wait more than 1 week, so I ask that you unban me, please

My username is "ForgettableName"

Username: GhostSoul

Hello, some months ago I was banned for using CE to try to speed up spare grinding. I really miss DFC after seeing the new trailers. Can I get a unban and data reset? I have learned my lesson and will not do it again. thank you

i have a reason even if its not a T3 Ban. i have a Noga Joystick (NG-2103) which includes a "Auto" Button. so thats why it looks like a auto clicker and i can give photo of controller

My name is YUSUF06.

i used cheat engine and im accepting my data reset.That was my first ban. Please give me one more chance. I really regret it. Thank you.

I recovered my acc and added my phone for the 2fa.

Hi so this was a joke i did a while back and i got banned for it for good reason however can i get it unbanned i love this game and i wont use this account again for this joke


Hello DF Team, my account in DF Connected has been banned. I offer my deepest apologies for using illegal hacking programs. I am very sorry for what happened to you. Please unblock my account.

account zadarago7

Hi! I was T3 banned for NSFW. I was caught up in a joke and I did NOT mean anything by it. I will be very cautious with what I say in the future and will not do it again. Please give me a second chance.

Hello Admins of DF: connected

My name In game is : Ahmedhejazy

I got banned T1 For Slur Bypass As shown here

I am sorry if my jokes was like too far or something

i just pvp with ppl and like call em loser or smth

for joking purposes only

Please unban .